Desire Lines

In his work titled Desire Lines, Jan Dirk van der Burg doc­u­ments foot­paths as a sign of civ­il dis­obe­di­ence. Desire Lines, Fotografien, 80×100cm, 2011. © Jan Dirk van der Burg

The work of pho­tog­ra­ph­er and film­mak­er Jan Dirk van der Burg shows trails: nar­row and unpaved paths cre­at­ed by being walked or rid­den over again and again. They fol­low the organ­ic move­ments of peo­ple who move through the world on foot or by bicy­cle. In this way, they call into ques­tion the sharply and clear­ly delin­eat­ed spaces cre­at­ed on the draw­ing board by infra­struc­ture and city plan­ners. Here, trails rep­re­sent resis­tance, small ges­tures of civ­il dis­obe­di­ence. They protest against this will to order and design, which blan­kets every­thing and yet makes no sense in dai­ly life. They appear wher­ev­er the plan­ners of the still car friend­ly world did not reck­on with peo­ple who have a mind of their own.


Desire Lines


Jan Dirk van der Burg





© Jan Dirk van der Burg
© Jan-Dirk van der Burg