
The exhi­bi­tion catalog

The pub­li­ca­tion in ger­man and eng­lish lan­guage tells more than fifty sto­ries from over sev­en­ty par­tic­i­pants from with­in Europe (and beyond). It gath­ers accounts from architecture,art, and urban plan­ning that address ques­tions around the mak­ing of cities. They relate the urban as a lived space while also intro­duc­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties afford­ed­by inte­grat­ed urban devel­op­ment. As part of the Nation­al Urban Devel­op­ment Pol­i­cy, the pub­li­ca­tion pub­lished by Spec­tor Books seeks to sug­gest ways in which the city could be recon­ceived and renegotiated.

340 pp., Full col­or, Ota-bind

19.5 x 28.5 cm, Leipzig, Sep­tem­ber 2020

ISBN 978–3–95905–417–1 / 978–3–95905–408–9

Lan­guage: Eng­lish, German

Texts: Lukas Feireiss, Tat­jana Schnei­der, TheGreenEyl

Design­er: Lamm & Kirch

With works by Assem­ble, ate­lier­mob, Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine, Civic Archi­tects, Crim­son His­to­ri­ans and Urban­ists, Eutropi­an, Laris­sa Fassler, Jeppe Hein, Thomas Hirschhorn, Laca­ton & Vas­sal, No Shade, Olalekan Jey­i­fous, Ahmet Öğüt, Plan­bude, raum­labor­ber­lin, Rotor DC, The Black Archives, White Arkitek­ter, Zones Urbaines Sen­si­bles and many more.