An Afrofuturist Vision

© Jan Dirk van der Burg

Olalekan Jey­i­fous calls his part­ly dystopi­an-look­ing col­lages, which deal with urban trans­for­ma­tion process­es, visu­al con­ver­sa­tions. By exag­ger­at­ing exist­ing sit­u­a­tions, he aims to increase the vis­i­bil­i­ty of those peo­ple and set­tle­ments who often go unheard in plan­ning and fall vic­tim to urban devel­op­ment. He sheds light on the inter­twin­ing of hege­mon­ic struc­tures, shows how archi­tec­ture per­pet­u­ates the pow­er struc­tures of colo­nial­ist ide­olo­gies and then itself becomes ammu­ni­tion in the arse­nal of colo­nial pow­er. These dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives and nar­ra­tive strands are also reflect­ed in this col­lage of the Euro­pean city. After the sys­tem­at­ic exploita­tion of its colonies, it stands here as a col­o­nized enti­ty itself that not only tells of these sys­tems but also of green­er futures and stories.


An Afro­fu­tur­ist Vision


Olalekan Jey­i­fous




Brook­lyn, Unit­ed States of America