Work Yard for Construction Materials

The work yard set up by Bel­la­s­tock is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly a ware­house, recy­cling work­shop, gar­den and stage for pro­to­types made from build­ing rub­ble. © Bellastock

Why is the cur­rent mantra in the con­struc­tion indus­try build, build, build—when reuse, recy­cling, or oth­er forms of respon­si­ble use of resources should be the focus of atten­tion? The inter­dis­ci­pli­nary col­lec­tive Bel­la­s­tock address­es this and oth­er major prob­lems in the con­struc­tion indus­try. La Fab­rique du Clos in Stains, a small town in the north-east of Paris, was used to store mate­ri­als from the demo­li­tion of res­i­den­tial tow­ers. Yet the yard also became a meet­ing place and stage for the neighborhood’s res­i­dents. There were dis­cus­sions: about future urban spaces, how and by whom and with what they will be designed. These activ­i­ties result­ed in pro­to­types for sheds, plant­i­ng beds, arbors, street pave­ment, play­ground equip­ment, bench­es, pavil­ions, and much more. They show how small-scale alter­na­tives can chal­lenge estab­lished systems.


La Fab­rique du Clos


Bel­la­s­tock, archi­tects, Cen­tre Sci­en­ti­Wique et Tech­nique du Bâtiment (CSTB), L’Amicale des Locataire, Closerie du Lézard, Léonard Nguyen, Mael Canal, Fred Kei, Cheb Chantier, Clé­ment Guil­laume, Régie de Quarti­er de Stains, Cen­tre de Loisirs Romain Rol­land, Sauve­g­arde 93




Clos Saint-Lazare, Stains, France

Con­crete walls are cut to the required sizes. © Alex­is Leclercq
A gar­den bed with walls of con­crete blocks in tra­di­tion­al dry con­struc­tion. © Clé­ment Guillaume
The decon­struc­tion of build­ings usu­al­ly hap­pens by the down­right smash­ing of the built struc­ture. Here in Stains, parts have been ›saved‹ to demon­strate that many mate­ri­als that would oth­er­wise sim­ply end up on rub­ble heaps could have a sec­ond life. © Bellastock