A Model City of Memories and Dreams

The urban land­scape of the cos­mopoli­tan city devel­ops from about 150 hous­es, which were built by fugi­tives togeth­er with the Berlin asso­ci­a­tion Schle­sis­che 27 and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. © Aris Kress

That the hous­es assem­bled here seem to be thrown togeth­er is because the indi­vid­ual build­ings, as they stand there, do not nec­es­sar­i­ly exist as built struc­tures. They are mem­o­ries mixed with visions of one’s future four walls. Built by refugees from Iran, Syr­ia, Moroc­co, and Pak­istan, World City, as the project is called, was cre­at­ed togeth­er with Berlin-based asso­ci­a­tion Schlesische27 and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. This glob­al city of a dif­fer­ent kind is both spec­u­la­tion and dream: about a future with­out bor­ders, the city as a process of dia­logue and its polypho­ny, of which there’s still too lit­tle to date.


World City


S27—Art and Edu­ca­tion, ini­tia­tive; Anton Schüne­mann, Bar­bara Mey­er, Lin­da Weich­lein, Matze Görig, con­cept; Matze Görig, artis­tic project man­age­ment; Lin­da Weich­lein, orga­ni­za­tion­al project man­age­ment; Jana Barthel, Car­los de Abreu, Matthias Falken­berg, Jens Ger­lich, Wasim Ghiri­ou, Abuzer Güler, Renaud Hélé­na, Chris­t­ian Diaz Ore­jare­na, Nidal Jalouk, Folke Köb­ber­ling, Bern­hard Kremser, Ben­jamin Men­zel, Valentin Peitz, Thorsten Schlop­snies / Todosch, Fed­er­i­ca Teti, Kun­sta­syl e.V. with Bar­bara Caveng, Rudi Keil­er Gómez de Mel­lo, Char­lotte Kent Danoy, Bern­hard Kremser, Aymen Mon­tass­er, Dachil Sado, David Tsch­ier­sch, Patryk Witt




Berlin, Ger­many

Chil­dren, teenagers and adults build mod­els of hous­es, which rep­re­sent known and expe­ri­enced, but also future and dreamed places. © Fred Moseley
Lamin Man­neh, Gam­bia. © Fred Moseley
Abdel Kad­er Hami, Syrien. © Matze Görig
S27—art and edu­ca­tion © Fred Moseley