All-Around Service for Urban Mobility Needs

© Ste­fan Marx

Whim is a con­cept designed to com­plete­ly rethink mobil­i­ty for the grow­ing Helsin­ki met­ro­pol­i­tan region. It is a result of broad-based coop­er­a­tion between stake­hold­ers from the pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors, as well as uni­ver­si­ties. The idea: an all-round ser­vice for the com­plex mobil­i­ty needs of every­one who uses the city. The plan: the devel­op­ment of a uni­ver­sal app for smart­phones, designed to make the use of many dif­fer­ent, main­ly shared, or more sus­tain­able trans­port offers eas­i­er, more intu­itive, and cheap­er. The imme­di­ate goal: to make choos­ing and using pub­lic trans­port as attrac­tive as pos­si­ble. In the long term, the tar­get is to abol­ish the pri­vate car.




Sam­po Hieta­nen, founder MaaS Fin­land Oy and MaaS Glob­al; Kaj Pyy­htiä, co-founder; Sami Pip­puri, Jon­na Pöllänen, devel­op­ment; MaaS Glob­al, HKL Helsin­gin kaupun­gin liiken­nelaitos, HSL-HRT Helsin­gin seudun liikenne, development


Since 2015


Helsin­ki, Finland