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Torhaus Berlin: Sitemaking—A design & build staycation with Non Voyage (Online prep session)

22. November 2020  @ 16:00 18:00 CET

As part of Torhaus Berlin’s res­i­den­cy in the exhi­bi­tion, Non Voy­age, an emerg­ing spec­u­la­tive think-tank, made their pilot event. It was a fruit­ful ideas exchange sur­round­ing their main research ques­tion: “Can Tourism infra­struc­ture be a resource for plan­e­tary healing?”

The next event was sup­posed to be the Sitemak­ing work­shop. A design & build stay­ca­tion, where Site­see­ing and Place­mak­ing merge to pro­to­type desir­able touris­tic des­ti­na­tions. Due to Covid reg­u­la­tions, the phys­i­cal work­shop is post­poned, but this impor­tant prepa­ra­tion ses­sion for the phys­i­cal future work­shop will be held online.

Par­tic­i­pants will dis­cuss and fur­ther inves­ti­gate what Tourism infra­struc­ture is and what plan­e­tary heal­ing could mean.

To join the jour­ney (par­tic­i­pate), please send an email to nonvoyagers@gmail.com
and check the FB event for fur­ther details.
