Financing the Cooperative City

»Rotaprint archi­tec­tur­al mon­u­ment. There is no prof­it to be made here«—so a ban­ner of the ExRo­taprint ini­tia­tive from 2007. The rea­son: a fight of the non-prof­it GmbH ExRo­taprint for the rights of use of land and build­ings that has been going on for years, repeat­ed­ly bro­ken promis­es and dubi­ous nego­ti­a­tions between the own­er of the land—the Liegen­schafts­fond Berlin—and inter­na­tion­al real estate com­pa­nies despite already promised and almost com­plet­ed han­dover. After long nego­ti­a­tions and mas­sive resis­tance the vic­to­ry comes for the gGmbH. With the help of Stiftung trias and Stiftung Edith Mary­on, the site is pur­chased in late sum­mer 2007 and a 99-year ground lease agree­ment is signed with ExRo­taprint gGmbH. This makes the gGmbH the own­er of the build­ings and sole­ly respon­si­ble for the project devel­op­ment. The pos­si­ble spec­u­la­tive spi­ral has been inter­rupt­ed. Since then, the entire com­plex has been man­aged and run accord­ing to non-prof­it prin­ci­ples with the aim of secur­ing het­ero­ge­neous uses and afford­able rents in the long term. The project is described as a “social sculp­ture”, which is at the same time firm­ly anchored in the neigh­bor­hood and active­ly engaged in urban the­o­ry dis­course in order to con­tin­u­ous­ly expand the basis of its work. © Mar­tin Eberle

The book and action research project Fund­ing the Coop­er­a­tive City. Com­mu­ni­ty Finance and the Econ­o­my of Civic Spaces describes numer­ous case stud­ies from across Europe, which tell of how local com­mu­ni­ty finance can be set up. A wide vari­ety of groups that have devel­oped new mod­els for devel­op­ing and oper­at­ing non-com­mer­cial spaces for their neigh­bor­hoods are pre­sent­ed and dis­cussed. None of this is easy, as many inter­views and dis­cus­sion notes reveal. But it is pos­si­ble: through the for­ma­tion of sol­i­dar­i­ty net­works, neigh­bor­ly com­mit­ment, a will­ing­ness to exper­i­ment, and admin­is­tra­tive and often finan­cial sup­port from the respec­tive communities.


Open Her­itage


Lev­ente Polyák, Daniela Pat­ti, founders, Eutropi­an GmbH; Yil­maz Vuru­cu, Baha­nur Nasya, Xsen­trikarts, Eutropi­an; Andrea Giu­liano, Jorge Mos­quera, Sophie Bod, Ste­fano Pat­ti, Eleono­ra Rugiero, Julia Baudi­er, Eutropi­an team


Since 2018



Färgfab­riken is an exhi­bi­tion space for art, archi­tec­ture and urban plan­ning in Stock­holm, which has exist­ed since 1995 and is the result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Asso­ci­a­tion of Swedish Archi­tects (Sven­s­ka Arkitek­ters Riks­för­bund), Alcro-Beck­ers, ColArt and a group of artists and inde­pen­dent archi­tects. © Yil­maz Vuru­cu, xsentrikarts
Casci­na Roc­cafran­ca, Turin. The for­mer farm was pur­chased with the help of Euro­pean funds and trans­formed into a mul­ti­func­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter, man­aged by both pub­lic and civ­il soci­ety actors. What makes this insti­tu­tion spe­cial is the close col­lab­o­ra­tion that has devel­oped between the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Turin and mem­bers of the non-prof­it asso­ci­a­tions and groups rep­re­sent­ed in Casci­na. © Casci­na Roccafranca
Stará Tržni­ca, Bratisla­va. The Old Mar­ket Hall in the cen­ter of Bratisla­va had stood emp­ty for years. This changed in 2013, when a non-prof­it civ­il soci­ety asso­ci­a­tion took over the build­ing from the munic­i­pal­i­ty. Togeth­er with exter­nal experts, a mul­ti-func­tion­al pro­gram was devel­oped for the hall. Today, in addi­tion to a week­ly mar­ket, cul­tur­al events, con­certs and oth­er events are also held here, where­by the prof­its do not go into the pock­ets of the oper­a­tors, but into the ren­o­va­tion and preser­va­tion of the build­ing. © Boris Nemeth
ExRo­taprint © Eutropian

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Participation in City Design

More than 400 peo­ple assem­bled at a self orga­nized meet­ing in FC St. Pauli’s ball­room in Ham­burg in Feb­ru­ary 2014. The rea­son for the unusu­al gath­er­ing were dra­mat­ic changes in St. Pauli. The neigh­bor­hood called for a »bot­tom up-orga­nized, demo­c­ra­t­ic plan­ning process.« With the expe­ri­ence and the mobi­liza­tion pow­er of the broad Right-to-the-city-move­ment back­ing them, the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary plan­ning office Plan­bude is found­ed to devel­op a new land use plan for the city. Wish pro­duc­tion starts in late sum­mer. Planbude’s claim: »Knack’ den St. Pauli Code!« (Crack the St. Pauli code!) becomes the leit­mo­tif for a process that builds on mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in expres­sion and mak­ing. The results of the process are cap­tured in a con­tract and become the foun­da­tion for a plan­ning com­pe­ti­tion. Local knowl­edge builds the basis for the rein­ven­tion of the city.


Plan­Bude / Crack the St. Pauli Code


Mar­git Czen­ki, Christoph Schäfer, Renée Trib­ble, Lisa Marie Zan­der, Christi­na Röthig, until 2018, Patri­cia Wedler, until 2017, Volk­er Kattha­gen, until 2016, neigh­bor­hood ini­tia­tives and residents


Since 2014


Ham­burg, Germany

The Esso Hous­es at Spiel­bu­den­platz in Hamburg’s St. Pauli dis­trict were built in the late 1950s and were con­sid­ered at risk of col­lapse in the ear­ly 2010s. They were demol­ished in 2014—under great protest. Doris Antony (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Plan­bude orga­nizes civ­il soci­ety resis­tance to the plans of the Ham­burg Sen­ate for the site, which has now been vacat­ed. The Plan­bude will be set up on site to absorb and artic­u­late the wish­es of the city soci­ety for the quar­ter. © Mar­git Czenki
Plan­bude func­tions as a meet­ing place, a cen­ter for research, a neigh­bor­hood library, exhi­bi­tion space and dis­cus­sion plat­form. It is not only a place from which wish­es are col­lect­ed, but also where con­crete demands for the new plan­ning at Spiel­bu­den­platz are set up. © Frank Egel Photography
The Dutch archi­tec­tur­al office NL-Archi­tects and BEL-Archi­tects from Cologne won the com­pe­ti­tion Spiel­bu­den­platz with a coura­geous design. © Bay­erische Hausbau

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The Cooperative Housing Project Above a Tram Depot

© Mar­tin Stollenwerk

The large, up to sev­en-sto­ry res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial build­ing in Zurich’s Wiedikon dis­trict is any­thing but ordi­nary. The build­ing is like a small town: com­plete with day­care cen­ter, doctor’s office, bank, art-house cin­e­ma, bars, restau­rant, flower shop, and tram depot. Fur­ther­more, Kalk­bre­ite is a cer­ti­fied »2000 Watt site in oper­a­tion«: Through active sus­tain­abil­i­ty mea­sures, those liv­ing and work­ing there reduce their eco­log­i­cal foot­print. Peo­ple cook and eat togeth­er, work­rooms are shared, an object library makes it pos­si­ble to bor­row equip­ment, and no one has their own car. The result­ing sav­ings are cur­rent­ly around 50% com­pared to aver­age house­hold usage in Zurich. The vision­ary approach of the Kalk­bre­ite will, in the long term, be applied to the entire city in order to con­tribute marked­ly to cli­mate justice.


Res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial build­ing Kalkbreite


Genossen­schaft Kalk­bre­ite, plan­ning and con­tract; Müller Sigrist Archi­tects AG, archi­tec­ture office; HAAG. LA, land­scape archi­tec­ture; City of Zurich, property


Since 2006, work­shop stadt. labor / »Visions for the Kalk­bre­ite Site«; 2014, build­ing occupancy


Zurich, Switzer­land

Genossen­schaft Kalk­bre­ite, Zurich, Müller Sigrist Architek­ten © Michael Egloff
In addi­tion to the pub­licly acces­si­ble inner court­yard of Kalk­bre­ite, which is locat­ed above the street­car hall of the depot, there are oth­er out­door spaces such as the acces­si­ble roof areas, which are only acces­si­ble to the res­i­dents of the block. © Genossen­schaft Kalk­bre­ite, Volk­er Schopp
© Genossen­schaft Kalk­bre­ite, Volk­er Schopp

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