Critical Mass for Freedom and Movement

© Crit­i­cal Mass Berlin

Every last Fri­day of the month, cyclists meet in both large and small cities to take to the streets in con­voy and as sheer mass. The prin­ci­ple of this gath­er­ing uses a rule of the road traf­fic reg­u­la­tions accord­ing to which a group of at least twelve cyclists is con­sid­ered a vehi­cle and can, there­fore, pass through a traf­fic light that turns red. Those who cycle in front decide where to go. The cyclists want to draw atten­tion to the fact that even today, the car-friend­ly city from the last cen­tu­ry is still a real­i­ty in many places. Thus, Crit­i­cal Mass is a peace­ful and sol­idary protest against the hege­mo­ny of motor­ized traf­fic in urban plan­ning worldwide.


Crit­i­cal Mass




Since 1997


Berlin, Ger­many

© Crit­i­cal Mass Berlin
© Crit­i­cal Mass Berlin
© Crit­i­cal Mass Berlin
© Crit­i­cal Mass Berlin