A Sign for Europe

EUROPA at the König Galerie in the for­mer St. Agnes Church in Berlin (2016). © Rubén Dario Kleimeer

The work EUROPA was cre­at­ed in the after­math of Britain’s ref­er­en­dum for with­draw­al from the Euro­pean Union. Europe, accord­ing to the archi­tec­ture and plan­ning office more­Platz, lacks vis­i­bil­i­ty, pub­lic pres­ence, and pos­i­tive feed­back. The huge lumi­nous tubes, which have been on dis­play in Berlin and many oth­er loca­tions across Ger­many and abroad since their first instal­la­tion in Novem­ber 2016, were con­cep­tu­al­ized to address this artic­u­lat­ed lack. But this notion of Europe that these let­ters and this light fix­ture are meant to rep­re­sent is also viewed crit­i­cal­ly by many for Europe’s exter­nal bor­ders are being increas­ing­ly sealed off and defend­ed. The promise of an open and sol­idary Europe remains for many an unat­tain­able goal. Radi­ant EUROPA does not shine equal­ly for everyone.




more­Platz, co-ini­tia­tors, design; Johann and Lena König, co-financ­ing; St. Agnes Immo­bilien- und Ver­wal­tungs­ge­sellschaft mbH; Deutsches Architek­tur Zen­trum, sup­port; thir­ty-three indi­vid­u­als and archi­tec­ture and cul­ture offices, co-financing


Since 2016



EUROPA at the Bille pow­er plant in Ham­burg (2017). © Hein­rich Holtgreve