Intimate Inner Lives

Andreas Koch, Apart­ment, pho­to print on can­vas, 500×800 cm, 2004 © Andreas Koch

Both works, Fen­ster (Win­dow) and Tep­pich (Car­pet), by Andreas Koch are frozen. They depict traces in a city’s exis­tence, in the life of one or more peo­ple. Sup­pos­ed­ly famil­iar things, the inter­face between inside and out­side, are strange­ly dis­tort­ed by this enlarge­ment. Even the uncan­ny view of an apart­ment from above, which could not pos­si­bly be pho­tographed in this way, changes the sup­posed famil­iar­i­ty of the inte­ri­ors. It turns the pri­vate into the pub­lic with­out the occu­pants’ knowl­edge. As spec­ta­tors, we take an observ­ing, a dis­tanc­ing posi­tion; strange­ly for­eign, sound­less, pas­sive, and entire­ly with­out par­tic­i­pa­tion. It is not long before this voyeuris­tic view of the lives of oth­ers becomes unpleas­ant. Quick, let’s get out of here and into the city!


Fen­ster und Tep­pich (Win­dow and Carpet)


Andreas Koch




Berlin, Ger­many

Andreas Koch, Win­dow, light box, slide, 230×160×30 cm, 2007. exhi­bi­tion view loop—raum für aktuelle kun­st © Andreas Koch