A Somewhat Different Ministry of Space

Again and again, Min­istry of Space also works with choirs and musi­cians. Here: the choir of the nurs­ing home in the Bežani­js­ka Kosa dis­trict dur­ing a per­for­mance in the Ulič­na galer­i­ja (street gallery). The gallery, which has exist­ed since 2012, occu­pies a pub­lic pas­sage­way in the cen­ter of Bel­grade for fleet­ing moments. The events that have tak­en place-as many as 150 solo and group exhi­bi­tions and 80 oth­er event-are intend­ed to pro­mote a forum for a crit­i­cal dis­course on urban pol­i­cy issues out­side of com­mer­cial gal­leries and muse­ums. © Kamerades

Even if Min­istry of Space sounds quite offi­cial, it is not a state-run min­istry. Con­cealed behind the name is a small group of activists com­mit­ted to social jus­tice. Thus, the group fights for a city that ben­e­fits all those who live there. They fight against cor­rupt prac­tices, the mis­ap­pro­pri­a­tion of pub­lic mon­ey, and—as they argue—abuses of pow­er by polit­i­cal play­ers. In this way, the activists mon­i­tor, ana­lyze, and crit­i­cal­ly com­ment upon large-scale urban devel­op­ment projects by transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions and the pri­va­ti­za­tion of pub­lic assets. They scru­ti­nize the con­struc­tion of lux­u­ry res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties or shop­ping cen­ters. Through their work, the group thus sup­ports a broad protest cul­ture that demands civ­il soci­ety inclu­sion in urban pol­i­cy events.


Min­istarst­vo Pros­to­ra (Min­istry of Space)


Iva Čuk­ić, Jovana Tim­o­ti­je­vić, Radomir Lazović, Dobri­ca Veseli­nović , Marko Aksen­ti­je­vić, Min­istarst­vo Prostora


Since 2011


Bel­grade, Serbia

Protest Ne davi­mo Beograd. © Marko Rupena
The giant yel­low duck became the sym­bol of the ini­tia­tive “Don’t let Bel­grade D®own”, which made pub­lic the trans­for­ma­tion and dis­place­ment process­es along Belgrade’s river­side, protest­ing against forced evic­tions of exist­ing build­ings and the relo­ca­tion of impor­tant infra­struc­ture for the con­struc­tion of exclu­sive res­i­den­tial and office build­ings. © Min­istarst­vo prostora
Don’t Let Bel­grade Drown © Min­istarst­vo prostora
Don’t Let Bel­grade Drown © Min­istarst­vo prostora
© Iva Čukić