Diversity in Club Culture

© Ceren Saner

The young Berlin col­lec­tive No Shade seeks to change the music and club scene in the long run. For exam­ple, they strive to increase the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of female, non-bina­ry, and trans DJs and visu­al artists in the club scene through the orga­ni­za­tion of a reg­u­lar club night and a series of train­ing pro­grams. The col­lec­tive also wants to bet­ter net­work the var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ties, crews, and club-goers to build a more sol­id foun­da­tion. These net­works, sup­port mech­a­nisms, and tools are essen­tial for keep­ing the some­times frag­ile, often pre­car­i­ous, fre­quent­ly iso­lat­ed, and most­ly par­al­lel-exist­ing sys­tems alive and fur­ther strength­en them by cre­at­ing moments of solidarity.


No Shade


41issa, Ace of Dia­monds, AUCO, Bad Juju, Ceekayin2u, Fol­ly Ghost, Fores­ta, GODxXx Noir­philes, Grinder Teeth, Hunni’d Jaws, Kikelo­mo, LINN.A, Panasi­a­girl, Per­i­fa, Poly Maze, Sara Fumaça, members


Since 2018


Berlin, Ger­many

© No Shade
© No Shade