Architecture’s Second Life

Care­ful removal of a wall cladding made of Car­rara mar­ble pan­els at the Nord­bahn­hof sta­tion in Brus­sels. © Rotor

The work of Rotor and Rotor Decon­struc­tion (RotorDC) is not con­cerned with the con­struc­tion of build­ings or cities as we know them. Instead, the office devel­ops strate­gies for the care­ful decon­struc­tion of hous­es slat­ed for demo­li­tion. Mate­ri­als recov­ered through these process­es of dis­man­tling are re-claimed and offered for sale on a web­site. The spec­trum is broad and ranges from cab­i­net han­dles to oak par­quet, from lamps to porce­lain wash­basins, from glass blocks to floor tiles. Rotor’s gen­er­al aim is to raise aware­ness of exist­ing assets and cre­ate a legal frame­work for reuse. Many local author­i­ties now use the collective’s hand­book when con­sid­er­ing new lives for exist­ing pub­lic buildings.


Rotor / RotorDC (Rotor Deconstruction)


Rotor, archi­tects, lawyers, researchers, con­sul­tants, educators


Since 2016



Assort­ed acoustic pan­els from the Générale de Banque build­ing in Brus­sels. © Rotor
Work­ers dis­as­sem­ble a ceil­ing cov­er­ing. © Rotor
Inside the Insti­tut de Génie Civ­il in Liège, Bel­gium. How can build­ings be designed, asks Lionel Devlieger of Rotor, so that their com­po­nents become avail­able and as use­ful as pos­si­ble for a sec­ond or even third life? © Olivi­er Béart