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Double Feature: 1. Akinbode Akinbiyi; 2. Emeka Okereke: Sidewalk Earrings. A Conversation About Wandering in Cities

8. October 2020  @ 19:00 21:00 CEST

Fol­lowed by a screen­ing of the short film I WONDER AS I WANDER (2019–2020) by Eme­ka Okereke about Akin­bode Akin­bey.

Berlin-based Niger­ian pho­tog­ra­ph­er Akin­bode Akin­biyi cap­tures inti­mate scenes and com­mu­nal life in cities such as Lagos, Berlin, Johan­nes­burg, Bamako, and Chica­go, among many oth­er loca­tions. Akin­bode Akinbiyi’s anthol­o­gy of black and white pic­tures reflects a world of over­looked nar­ra­tives, ges­tures, and beliefs amid noisy streets, coastal hori­zons, and dense neigh­bor­hoods. For Akin­biyi, wan­der­ing is a cen­tral tool for doc­u­ment­ing social real­i­ties and the psy­cho­geog­ra­phy of urban envi­ron­ments.

Eme­ka Okereke is a Niger­ian visu­al artist and writer who lives and works between Lagos and Berlin, fre­quent­ly mov­ing between one and the oth­er. A past mem­ber of the renowned Niger­ian pho­tog­ra­phy col­lec­tive Depth of Field (DOF), he holds a bachelor’s/master’s degree from the Ecole Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris and has exhib­it­ed in bien­nales and art fes­ti­vals in cities across the world, notably Lagos, Bamako, Cape Town, Lon­don, Berlin, Bayreuth, Frank­furt, Nurem­berg, Brus­sels, Johan­nes­burg, New York, Wash­ing­ton, Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, and Paris.


Akin­bode Akin­biyi, Pho­to: Ste­fanie Kulisch
Eme­ka Okereke, Pho­to: Robert Reiger


Platz der Luft­brücke 5
Berlin, 12101
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