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The Living the City Symposium

15. October 2020  @ 18:00 20:00 CEST

With Sep­a­ke Angia­ma, Elma van Box­el (ZUS-Zones Urbaines Sen­si­bles), Tia­go Mota Sarai­va (ate­lier­mob), Vik­to­ria Walldin (White Arkitek­ter) and more. Mod­er­at­ed by Lukas Feireiss and Tat­jana Schneider.

A sym­po­sium with archi­tec­ture and art pro­fes­sion­als, city plan­ners, polit­i­cal­ly active cit­i­zens, politi­cians, mem­bers of the media, philoso­phers, as well as researchers from the field deep­ens the dis­cus­sions sur­round­ing top­ics relat­ed to Euro­pean urban development.

Elma van Box­el and Kris­t­ian Kore­man are the found­ing part­ners of ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sen­si­bles]. ZUS devel­ops solicit­ed and unso­licit­ed design and research in archi­tec­ture, urban­ism, and land­scape. ZUS con­tributes to chang­ing urban land­scapes through its ded­i­ca­tion to architecture’s pub­lic role. Found­ed in 2001 the stu­dio con­sists of an inter­na­tion­al, twen­ty-five-strong, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team, with offices in Rot­ter­dam and New York City. ZUS has received numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al awards for their bound­ary-cross­ing work.

Tia­go Mota Sarai­va is an archi­tect and urban­ist with spe­cial­iza­tion in archi­tec­ture, ter­ri­to­ry and mem­o­ry. He’s man­ag­ing part­ner at ate­lier­mob, a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary plat­form found­ed in 2005 in Lis­bon. Their work focus­es on devel­op­ing ideas, research, and projects in the areas of archi­tec­ture, land­scape, design, and urban­ism. In 2013, ate­lier­mob start­ed the pro­gram Work­ing with the 99% to col­lab­o­rate with those who do not have the means to pay for archi­tec­tur­al ser­vices. In addi­tion to co-design­ing ter­ri­to­ries, help­ing cre­ate asso­ci­a­tions, and fundrais­ing inter­ven­tions, ate­lier­mob devel­oped a coop­er­a­tive of the same name that inte­grates oth­er NGOs and neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tions, but also advo­cates new leg­is­la­tion. .Work­ing with the 99% won the Future Cities Prize at the 13th Venice Archi­tec­ture Bien­nale, where ate­lier­mob curat­ed the Por­tuguese Pavil­ion. Through this plat­form, they main­tain a reg­u­lar pres­ence in var­i­ous forums and nation­al and inter­na­tion­al net­works.

Sep­a­ke Angia­ma is the artis­tic direc­tor of the insti­tute for inter­na­tion­al visu­al art (ini­va) in Lon­don. The insti­tu­tion hosts the Stu­art Hall Library and is ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing the prax­is of think­ing through and work­ing with the com­plex­i­ty of the hid­den and vis­i­ble entan­gled his­to­ries, ped­a­go­gies and geo­gra­phies of con­tem­po­rary African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian dias­po­ra and Indige­nous prac­tices. The pro­gramme reflects artists who take up of the social and polit­i­cal ontolo­gies, epis­te­molo­gies, ped­a­go­gies and sub­al­tern nar­ra­tives. Angiama’s prax­is stems from rad­i­cal ped­a­go­gies, black fem­i­nist thought, rethink­ing human/non-human rela­tion and roots itself in how we might imag­ine and inhab­it the world oth­er­wise. Pre­vi­ous­ly she was the co-cura­tor for the third edi­tion of Chica­go Archi­tec­ture Bien­ni­al, Head of Edu­ca­tion at doc­u­men­ta 14 and Man­i­fes­ta Euro­pean Bien­ni­al of Inter­na­tion­al Art. She is the ini­tia­tor of Under the Man­go Tree a self-organ­ised gath­er­ing of unlearn­ing prac­tices, next edi­tion will take place in Puer­to Rico in 2022.

Vik­to­ria Walldin is a Stock­holm-based anthro­pol­o­gist and expert on social sus­tain­abil­i­ty at White Arkitek­ter, an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary archi­tec­tur­al firm found­ed in Gothen­burg in 1951by archi­tect Sid­ney White. She works with one of the most com­plex and fas­ci­nat­ing archi­tec­tur­al assign­ments: mov­ing the Arc­tic city of Kiruna, Sweden’s north­ern­most town. The 20,000 inhab­i­tants are being forced to relo­cate to new land after min­ing caused mas­sive cracks in the ground on which the city is built. For her, the Kiruna move is a chance to be part of one of the bold­est, most rad­i­cal urban projects of this century.


Elma van Boxel
Tia­go Mota Saraiva
Sep­a­ke Angia­ma © Van­ley Burke
Vik­to­ria Walldin © Anders Bobert


Platz der Luft­brücke 5
Berlin, 12101
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