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Double Feature: 1. Bani Abidi: Funland—Stories About Waiting; 2. Jeppe Hein: In the City

12. November 2020  @ 19:00 21:00 CET

Bani Abi­di is known for her dis­tinc­tive approach to film­mak­ing, which derives from the dark absur­di­ties of every­day life. Abi­di often uses video as her tool for mnemon­ic recall while embed­ding the medi­um with a poet­ic func­tion and lay­ers of fic­tion. Cur­rent­ly based in Berlin and Karachi, she assumes the role of a sto­ry­teller and urban archae­ol­o­gist in telling the sto­ries of cities in which she has lived. Fic­tion­al nar­ra­tives tra­verse indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ences and ask com­plex ques­tions on patri­o­tism, framed by the his­toric pow­er strug­gles and geopo­lit­i­cal rela­tions between neigh­bor­ing nation-states India and Pak­istan. Her works spin tales of ambi­tion and fail­ure, while the­ma­tiz­ing the rela­tion­ship between state pow­er, patri­o­tism, and mega­lo­ma­nia.

Jeppe Hein is a Dan­ish instal­la­tion artist well known for pro­duc­ing exper­i­men­tal and inter­ac­tive works that com­bine dif­fer­ent ele­ments of archi­tec­ture, art, and even tech­ni­cal inven­tions. Unique in their for­mal sim­plic­i­ty and notable for their fre­quent use of humor, his works engage in a live­ly dia­logue with the tra­di­tions of Min­i­mal­ist sculp­ture and Con­cep­tu­al art of the 1970s. His works often fea­ture sur­pris­ing and cap­ti­vat­ing ele­ments which place spec­ta­tors at the cen­ter of events and focus on their expe­ri­ence and per­cep­tion of the sur­round­ing space.


Bani Abi­di
Jeppe Hein, Pho­to: Tom-Wagner
