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Technische Universität Berlin: Kick-off event »Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability« (SMUS)

26. October 2020  @ 18:00 20:00 CET

In this kick-off event of the Glob­al Cen­ter of Spa­tial Meth­ods for Urban Sus­tain­abil­i­ty (SMUS), we will dis­cuss the dif­fer­ences between green­wash­ing and root­ed sys­temic trans­for­ma­tion towards bet­ter-lived real­i­ties, in light of the glob­al imple­men­ta­tion of the SDG#11 tar­gets. Can SMUS push for this trans­for­ma­tive change with its glob­al part­ners, by draw­ing atten­tion away from met­ric indi­ca­tors and towards adding more qual­i­ta­tive meth­ods for pro­duc­ing dis­ag­gre­gat­ed data on inequal­i­ty in all its forms and inter­plays?


Platz der Luft­brücke 5
Berlin, 12101